Sharing Is Caring

When you think of the word evangelism, what comes to mind? The word "evangelism" comes from the Greek word euangelion, which means good news. So what is the good news? Romans 5:7–8 says, "For one will hardly die for a righteous man, though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Even though we were in a life of sin and nothing WE could do would ever be good enough, Christ died for us. So what do we do with this good news? We should be sharing it.

What does evangelism look like? Some say I give my money and that is how I evangelise. Some say I tell my story and that is how I show others Christ. Some even say I serve during worship so I am doing my part. While these are great things to be doing and we should continue to do them, none are true evangelism. True evangelism is taking the saving knowledge of Christ to those in the world who are lost and hurting. True evangelism is proclaiming Christ and what he can do for their souls.

Proverbs 11:30 says, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls." Are we being wise? Are we winning souls for Christ? Are we using everything we are and everything we have to the glory of Jesus Christ?

I want to challenge you. The challenge for you this week is for you to tell the good news to someone. It is time we stop taking baby steps of fear and take a LEAP of faith.


I (NEED) To Be A Worker For The Lord


Second Impressions