Second Impressions

Have you ever heard the saying, "You only get one first impression"? Let me introduce you to two men, both of them sharing a life-changing encounter with Christ.

Gentleman number one has been recorded as "breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord." When an innocent Christian was put to death by stoning, our gentleman was said to be in "hearty agreement." This man, after setting his aim on the church, was recorded to be "entering from house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison." After reading all of these things, what is your impression of this gentleman? This man was named Saul.

Now, let me introduce you to another gentleman. He proclaimed that Jesus was the son of God when he went out. He is recorded to have spoken boldly of the name of Jesus. This gentleman was named Paul. What is your impression of this guy? Your impression of him is probably better than your impression of Saul.

The incredible thing is Saul, persecutor of the church, and Paul, proclaimer of Christ, are the same man. How can these two completely different men be the same person? The answer is one word. Christ.

Saul was walking down the road toward Damascus when suddenly a light from Heaven shone around him. Seeing the light, he fell to the ground when he heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" This voice was the voice of Christ. After this encounter, Saul found himself unable to see anything. Saul then was escorted to a man Jesus instructed to give him his sight back. Saul's eyes were opened, and he rose and was baptized.

After his conversion, Saul began his spiritual journey of a life serving Christ. Saul went to religious places and began to proclaim the name of Christ. Acts 9:22 says that Saul "confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus by proving that Jesus was the Christ.

When Christ became the center of his life, everything he knew and practiced before was no longer relevant.

Acts Seven through Nine is the comeback story of the century. It is a story of how the most vile and angry man can become one of the most zealous and devoted men in the church's history. It's a story of redemption, a story of salvation. It is a story of how Jesus Christ can change even the most difficult circumstances to something used for good. If Christ can change a man like Saul, imagine what he can do with your life. You too, can make a second impression.


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Echo Chambers