Study Links

Apologetics Press

Publisher of countless books on creationism. Also weekly aricles may be read on-line.

Christian Courier

Investigating biblical apologetics, religious doctrine, and ethical issues.

international Bible Studies Tract Rack

You are welcome to use all material found here with the following stipulations:

The material must be left in its original form as to the content

Credit must be given to the origin (author) and source

No charge may be made for the materials if you distribute them

Online Bible Study: Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth?

This is another online Bible study by Ron Boatwright. This course is written with the hope of helping us to worship God in the way that is acceptable.

Beav Valley Bible Institute of Denver

The Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver is a single purpose ministry training program. We exist to prepare Christians in the Word of God so that they will be effective servants in the church, both locally and world-wide.

Churches of Christ on the web

A pretty complete listing of Congregations that have web sites.

 Focus Press 

At Focus Press, we desire all people everywhere to come to a full understanding, of true Christianity. Unfortunately, there is much confusion when it comes to the world of religion. Focus Press was formed to publish materials based on the inspired Word of God. Resources that are designed to provide understanding and clarity when it comes to issues that are, quite frankly, sometimes very difficult to comprehend. 

Online Bible Study: How To Do Personal Evangelism

This is another online Bible study by Ron Boatwright. The purpose of this course is to help you to teach the lost so they can be saved.

Biblical Church Bulletin Articles

A collection of articles that can be used in a church bulletin or printed and used as tracts. Each article is about 350 to 700 words in length. Included are a couple of guest articles.


e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.

Truth for the world

Truth For The World is a global evangelism outreach of the church of Christ using media and personal ministries. So what does that mean, exactly? Quite simply, we spread the Word of God using media such as radio, TV, print materials, and the Internet. We also make personal missionary trips around the world and teach at gospel meetings and lectureships.

The Preacher's Files

This site features sermon outlines and Bible lessons by G. E. Watkins and other preachers for the church of Christ.

Helping to spread the word about Humanism and its impact on our life, morals, cultures and family standards. This ministry is overseen by the Elders of the Houston Park Church of Christ in Selma, Alabama.

Searching for Truth 

Six lessons produced by the world video bible school

Online Academy of Biblical Studies

The Online Academy of Biblical Studies is a great resource for any subject you wish to study. This is a four-year preacher training school directed and taught by some of the most knowledgeable men in the brotherhood. Our great brotherhood is blessed with some excellent schools of preaching that are true to the once and for all delivered faith. It is a school that emphasizes the Bible and related subjects. It is online. Therefore, every person in the WORLD who has good access to the Internet will have the ability to participate in the Online Academy of Biblical Studies.

What Do The Scriptures Say?

A question and answer television program broadcast over KAZT-TV Channel 7, in Prescott, Arizona, to over 3,000,000 homes on Sundays @ 7:30 AM. Hosted by Danny Anderson, Moderator & Mike Scott, Minister.