Who Needs A Minister?

The word minister is found in several places within the New Testament. It comes from the Greek word diakonos. One way the New Testament uses this word is to convey the general idea of service by anyone. The typical image we associate with the word minister is a man in a suit behind a podium, with an office full of books. While this view may be partly true, every Christian has ministries in their life that they need to fulfill.

But who needs a minister? Here is a list of people who could use one: those who struggle with addiction, those who have lost a loved one, those who are searching for the true church found in scripture, those who are lonely, those who are tired, and those who don’t have a sense of worth. This is not an exhaustive list of everyone who needs a minister. Is there anyone on this list whom you think you could help in some way? If you said yes, that is great because the Lord’s church is made up of people like those on this list.

Even Jesus needed someone to minister to Him. After Jesus was tempted by the devil, the devil left Him, and scripture tells us that angels came to His side and began to minister, or serve, Him (Matthew 4:11).

If the church is full of people who need someone to help, serve, and minister to them, then every Christian has a job to do. Not everyone can serve in the same way, but believe me, if everyone served each other in some fashion, there would likely not be a single need overlooked or left unattended.

Challenge: Ask someone you know this week what they are struggling with. No matter how big or small the problem is, find a way to serve them.


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