The Pursuit Of Wisdom

The book of Proverbs speaks volumes of wisdom and foolishness. It warns of the consequences of taking wisdom for granted and living an unwise life. However, Proverbs also tells about the positive things that come from pursuing wisdom. Proverbs three has the title The Reward of Wisdom. The writer charges the son in the text to remember the writer's teachings. One of the first rewards we see in keeping the commandments of wisdom is that peace will be added to you (Prov 3:2). If one seeks to gain an understanding of God, one can then understand that life has a purpose and that they have a future if they choose to heed the wise word of the Lord.

Next, a benefit of pursuing and growing wisdom is the blessings that follow (3:13). The text tells us that her profit is more significant than silver and fine gold (3:14). The text personifies wisdom as a lady, and in her hands are long life and riches and honor (3:16). We also see that if we pursue understanding and follow her path, her ways are pleasant, and her paths are peaceful. Another reason we need to seek wisdom is that when the Lord created the earth's foundation, he made it with a foundation of wisdom (3:19). If we prioritize wisdom and pursue it, we begin to understand better the things that were put into the earth's foundation. Wisdom helps us to make sense of the world we live in. One of the following things we learn from pursuing wisdom is we have a secure and steady path. When you gain wisdom and begin to walk down the path of life, you can more clearly see the correct path to take. For example, the fool walks with blinders on, walking down the way of life, not knowing where his steps will land. If you have ever walked into a dark room and tried to navigate it, you bumped into things or tripped over obstacles you could not see. Pursuing wisdom is like having the light turned on in your life. The light of wisdom allows you to be secure and sure of your steps on the road of life. So, in everything you do in life, pursue wisdom.


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