From Pity To Praise

How would you feel if you were unable to do anything but lay on the ground and beg for money for your entire life? This is the reality for a man in the Book of Acts. In Chapter 3, we are introduced to a man who is lame and cannot walk. His daily routine was to have someone carry him to the temple gate and lay him on the ground so that he could beg for charity from those going to the temple.

Then along comes Peter and John heading to the temple. Before they could get inside, this man began begging for a gift from them, most likely expecting silver or gold. Little did the lame man know that the gift that Peter was about to give to him would be worth more to him than all the money in the world. Peter responded, "I do not have any silver or gold." Peter goes on saying, "But what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene-walk!" Peter then grabs the lame man by the hand and pulls him up. Scripture says in chapter 3 and verse 8 that the man's feet and ankles were strengthened immediately, not gradually, over time, with therapy, medication, or doctor visits.

When the man was healed, he did not crawl around and ease into learning how to walk, he jumped up and began to walk. And what did he do after all of this happened to him? He entered the temple with Peter and John, walking and leaping and praising God. It is pure speculation, but I imagine the last thing on the man's mind was silver and gold. The people in the temple knew who this man was. Some of those in the temple may have even given him money at one time or another. The man praised God, ensuring everyone knew who was responsible.

When something unique happens in our life that's a gift from God, are we like the beggar? Why do sometimes we keep it to ourselves and move on? A lesson we can all take from the lame man is when God blesses us, we should be grateful and praise Him and let all the world know who is responsible for our blessing.


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